The World Of `helix
Personal BG § School Daze § Daily Life § Extracurricular stuff

    Welcome to my web away from web, so to speak (I know that's crappy but hey it takes up room). By the title, you would probably guess I go by `helix. Good for you. Actually, no, it's Brian. Since my efforts have thus far been unrecognized by the general public, I offer this page to serve as a medium between yours truly and everyone else. And, since my local ISP doesn't provide an FTP space, I've made my web home here at FortuneCity. Anyways, this page is in its initial stages of development, so there's not much to see. I hope to add a few more areas of interest in the following weeks. For now, just see what you think.   

Personal Background

School Daze

    What can I say? School is usually boring (except for pep rallies and stuff). I'm taking English, Chem 101, Band, and Alg III/Trig. Yep, that's only four classes: we're on this 'block' schedule where classes are half as long so we could take 8 courses a year instead of 6. Don't ask me--I don't make the rules at school. That's what Student Council is for. Anyways, check out my alma mater, Walker High School. GO VIKES!!!

Daily Life

I'm no more than an average teenager armed with a powerful computer and an iNet connection (thanks to SouthNet). I like to work on cars, and I also like to go to the lake to wakeboard and stuff. And, as most teens do, I stay up until midnight and sleep until noon. My most fave thing to do is chat on the UnderNet. And you say, 'boy, what a great hobby--well, screw you. It's fun. OK? the fall I'm on the football field marching around all day. I'm always open to new challenges, and I never let anything stand in my way of success.

Extracurricular Activites

    I play trumpet in the high school band, 2nd chair--and it's harder than you'd think. It's a 3A band--we go to 4 competitions in the fall and one in the spring, as well as 10 to 15 football games (click here to see this year's schedule). Each year before school starts, we have a 'band camp'--one week of down-in-the-dirt, hard-core training. But it's also a lot of fun (maybe because I get to tell the 8th grade rookies what to do). For some time now, there's been a stigma that's stuck with marching band, and people get the wrong idea about it. It's just as hard as any other sport.

  Last updated 12.18.97
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